Monday 17 December 2012


Welcome to my brand spanking, squeaky new blog. Still La Vita è Bella - just a little cleaner.
In true "new year, fresh start, out with the old, in with the new" fashion, I'm starting blank. Although I'am a tad keen and presenting this two weeks before the new year. But let's not be pedantic about things.

It being the season to Eat, Drink and be very very Merry, (My favourite season I must add). I wish I could say I've consumed countless bottles of mulled wine, baked gingerbread men and dance around a tree or something. However, that could possibly be the biggest lie I could tell you. I've been stuck at work in all honesty, watching other people get festive at there office parties. Which just means long nights for me cleaning up cracker jokes and teaching people how to make snowballs.

So, this week I've been given a little extra time off then normal (and then I should really have when I think about the bank account). But I plan to turn it in to a week of being festive. Hence a Sunday with the boy, facing the crowds in Exeter for some shopping was had yesterday, along with a roast and tree decorating to Mr Bublè . Today has consisted of sitting in my parents front room next to the Christmas tree drinking hot chocolate and catching up with my family. Tomorrow is work (Bahhh Humbug), Wednesday is Coca Cola Truck day! Thursday is for baking and movie watching, and Friday and Saturday are all about earning money to spend in the sales. PLAN.

I'll will do my best to stop being so utterly crap at taking photos when I should and provide you with evidence of my week.
Now I don't no if this is just something weird that I've always done and should probably keep to myself, but when Birthdays and Christmas come around I have to be 100% happy with my room. Else I just get annoyed when I have nice new presents but they don't look good in my room. So to end, I'm off to move the furniture around.


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